Kerja bebas uyun hayah...
Ok ini panduan bagi newbie yang baru menjinak2kan dengan dunia template 'vbulletin' ia apa berguna untuk menukarkan skin atau theme nya..
1-Themes should come with instructions on how to install them. Generally speaking though, you upload any image files to your server then import the supplied XML file via AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Download/Upload Styles
atau panduan lebih jelas lagi..
How to Install a Style
Step 1: Download the style. You should have an "Folder" to save it to on your desk top or in your Documents..
Step 2: Follow any given steps in the instructions given by the style maker. If no instructions are given, then follow the ones below
in step 2b, if there are instructions on where to upload, then DO NOT do the ones below in step 2b, and follow the instructions that
the STYLE MAKER wrote.
(read above first)
Step 2b: Open your FTP manager, and in your forum root, go into the folder "images" make a new folder called "styles", go into that,
and make a new folder called whatever the style name is, go into that, make a new folder called "images", and upload all of the style
files into that (misc, signature, reputation, avatar, statusicon folders... etc.)
Step 3: Go into your AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Download/Upload Styles.
Browse for the "something.xml" (as mentioned earlier), and select it. Then, fill out a style name, and the rest of the information,
and import it.
Step 4: Go into AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Style & Language Settings.
Make sure you check the box to allow users to change styles, and you can also set the new style to default, if you want. If you want
people to only be able to use whatever style is default, then leave that little check box unchecked, so they can't choose more styles.
Step 5: Go into your AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager.
Scroll down just a little bit, and make sure all of the URLs to the images are correct. (You can always check your forum now,
and see if all images are loading correctly), if not, then edit the image links to what you made them in Step 1.
Step 6: Enjoy your new style.
ok siap !!
1 - If you're going to upgrade your live site - BACKUP YOUR DATABASE FIRST!!
2 - If you need to restore an old database - create a new one and restore to there
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